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ATRT Investigators -

North Carolina

David Ashley, MBBS, FRACP, PhD

Duke University Medical Center [Durham, NC]

I’ve worked for more than 30 years caring for pediatric and adult patients with brain tumors. During this time we’ve seen steady improvement in both the quality of outcomes and survival in our patients. However, we need to continue to make strides on their behalf. With this in mind, a large part of my career has been focused on research right from the lab and through into the clinic. I have focused on introducing new medications and approaches to improving brain tumor patient outcomes. I have always found it both humbling and gratifying to become an important part of families lives when they face the diagnosis of a brain tumor and need advice and advocacy. I thoroughly enjoy working with the team of dedicated and world-class staff at the Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center.

My Research Interests

Pediatric Oncology has been the focus of my efforts in translational research and leadership. My peer-reviewed publications include laboratory-based cancer research, clinical trials, public health and psycho-oncology research. My primary academic focus has been on neurologic tumors, tumor immunology, apoptosis, and the epigenetics of cancer. I have held different leadership roles, including director of two major cancer centers.


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